Is the Catholic Church Strict?

I live in the Bible Belt, and I recently had a Baptist ask me if the Catholic Church is as strict as his church. I told him that all depends on what you mean by “strict.” He elaborated by telling me that at his Baptist church, nobody is allowed to smoke, drink or dance, and women are not allowed to wear makeup or pants, and they have to keep their hair long. I said: “Wow! That’s pretty strict. I guess by Baptists standards the answer is no, the Catholic Church is not strict.” So that being said, what is the Catholic Church strict about, and what is it not strict about? I’ll attempt to answer these questions below.


Yes, Catholics are allowed to drink and remain in good standing with the Catholic Church. This is because the Catholic Church does not teach that drinking is a sin. We can drink wine, beer, coolers, brandy, whiskey, tequila, vodka, sake, etc. You name it, we can drink it, because in the Catholic Church drinking alcohol is not considered a sin. The whole notion of alcohol being the “devil’s drink” is a very Protestant notion, particularly stemming from the Puritan influence on the Baptists and Pentecostals. The Catholic Church was unaffected by this Protestant trend, that was particularly strong in the United States during the 19th century through early 20th century, resulting in the failed American experiment in Prohibition.

Catholics use real wine for Holy Communion, and it’s fairly strong wine at that. When it is transubstantiated into the Blood of Christ, a small portion of this sacrament is offered to everyone (usually), through various different methods, even children. Children are often allowed to taste regular wine (just a sip) before they receive their first communion, to decide if they want to receive the Blood of Christ or not. (Most children choose not to.) Outside of this, Catholic children are not usually given alcohol of any type.

Catholics also have gatherings, potlucks and festivals were beer is often served to adults. This is part of the celebration. Any adult Catholic can drink, and there is no sin. Beer is often drank by the clergy too, and sometimes even nuns and monks. Bishops have been known to share in a beer or two, and there are even photos of Pope Benedict XVI having a beer with friends.

All of this may seem strange to some Christians, particularly Baptists and Pentecostals, but it is very much part of Catholic life. The Catholic Church simply does not teach that drinking alcohol is a sin. It never did and it never will. There is nothing in the Bible, or our Tradition, that prohibits it. So enjoy!

That being said, the Catholic Church does teach that abuse of alcohol is a sin. What is abuse? Lack of moderation, or drinking too much, is abuse, and that is a sin. This manifests itself in the form of drunkenness or alcoholism. In most of these cases, drunkenness and alcoholism are considered venial sins, unless it’s deliberate, which is rare. A venial sin means it’s not a serious sin that breaks one’s relationship with God. In such cases, one can still receive communion and not be in danger of hell. That doesn’t mean that it’s a small matter we should just forget about. All sins must be confessed and repented of eventually, but accidental drunkenness or alcoholism is not something that makes you a “bad Catholic.” Rather, it just means if you’ve got a discipline or medical problem, you probably ought to take care of it before it hurts you in other ways. Intentional drunkenness, on the other hand, is a mortal sin, because one meant to do it, and it does break one’s relationship with God. That must be confessed immediately, before presenting one’s self for communion.


Yes, Catholics are allowed to smoke, and it’s not a sin according to Catholic teaching. It is considered unwholesome and a nasty habit, but as far as sin goes, it’s not the kind of thing that’s going to send anyone to hell. If there is any sin to it at all, it’s probably venial, but there is no Biblical prohibition of it, nor is there anything in our Tradition.

The health problems associated with frequent smoking are well known and copiously documented. This is where the venial sin may come in, because it is destructive to the body and abusive toward God’s creation if it’s habitual. It could potentially be a mortal sin if it’s done to hurt another person. For example, if you know somebody who has asthma or COPD, and you intentionally light-up while nearby, you’re basically assaulting this vulnerable person in a way they can’t handle, and causing great harm. In such cases, if it’s intentional, you’ve probably crossed the line from venial into mortal sin, because you did it to intentionally hurt another person. If it’s accidental, it’s venial, because you didn’t know. The moral to this story is; pay attention to those around you. If they object to you smoking, for whatever reason, be charitable and do it somewhere else.

What about smoking marijuana?

Marijuana is a drug, but then, so is tobacco. People smoke both drugs for similar reasons. Just as the Catholic Church has no specific teaching against the casual (non-abusive) use of alcohol and tobacco, it also has no specific teaching against the casual (non-abusive) use of marijuana. So Catholics can smoke it, or eat it, and it’s not considered a sin. That being said, marijuana can be abused, just like any other drug, and one can do it too much. If that’s the case, the same rules apply above as they do with alcohol. If overuse is non-intentional (an accident) it’s just a venial sin. If it’s intentional, it’s a mortal sin.

There are also legal matters to consider. The Catholic Church does not condone breaking civil laws, and encourages all her members to obey the civil laws of the land whenever possible. So if marijuana is illegal in your state, Catholics can’t smoke it, or eat it, without sinning. If marijuana is legal, then Catholics can smoke it, or eat it, provided they follow the civil laws of the land, and they do so in a way that is responsible and non-abusive of the drug.


Yes, Catholics are allowed to dance, provided the dancing is not dirty, lewd or nasty. Basically, what this means is Catholics can dance any way they want, anywhere they want, anytime they want, provided such dancing does not simulate a sexual act, or include offensive gestures that the public generally finds offensive. There is no sin in dancing, and in fact, the Bible actually praises dancing (Ecclesiastes 3:4, Jeremiah 31:4, Lamentations 5:15, Psalm 30:11-12, Psalm 149:3-4, Jeremiah 31:12-13, Exodus 15:20-21, 2 Samuel 6:14-17, Psalm 150). Many of these Bible passages also include references to singing and playing instruments as well. So none of these things are considered sin in the Catholic Church, and Catholics are free to do them.


Generally speaking, the Catholic Church is more concerned about the sin of vanity than the act of wearing makeup. So wearing makeup, in and of itself, is not a sin according to Catholic teaching. The only time wearing makeup becomes a sin is if it’s centered around vanity, pride, or trying to entice people into sex. In other words, makeup is fine and not a sin. Abusing makeup, like abusing other things, could be. If you’re just wearing it to highlight your natural features, and add a little contrast to your face, it’s not a problem according to Catholic teaching.


Yes, Catholic women can wear pants, and no, it’s not a sin according to Catholic teaching. What the Catholic Church primarily concerns itself with are the principles of modesty and gender. Every Catholic, both men and women, must be modest. This means not exposing too much skin (with some exceptions made for work, swimming and sports), and not dressing in a way that is sexually provocative. Both Catholic men and women are to be mindful of how much legs, arms, shoulders and cleavage (upstairs and downstairs) they are unnecessarily exposing, which can become objectified and provoke lust in others. This is not being prudish. It’s charity. It’s about caring for the soul of your fellow human being.

Gender is a static thing according to Catholic teaching, and the Catholic Church specifically rejects the concepts of “gender theory.” This means that if you’re a biological female, with XX chromosomes, then every cell in your body is female, and to be a good Catholic, you must dress and identify as a girl/woman. Failure to do so is rejecting God’s creation, and attempting to deceive others, which is a form of lying. It also means if you’re a biological male, with XY chromosomes, you must dress and identify as a boy/man for the exact same reasons. This means you’re clothing should, in some way, complement your biological gender. That being said, the Church does not, and never did, mandate specific styles and fashions. Gender fashions change over the centuries and that’s okay. Women don’t dress the same way today as they did in the 1800s. That’s okay too. The same is true for men. The Catholic Church doesn’t go through a list and tell people what they can and cannot wear. What it does do is mandate modesty and gender-specific clothing, of whatever type is common for that culture and time period.


Yes, a woman can have short hair, and it’s not a sin for her to do so. Likewise, a man can have long hair, and it’s not a sin for him to do so. The Church has no teaching on the length of hair, period, so Catholics have no sin in this area.

Some people point out that the Bible condemns short hair on women and long hair on men. This comes from the writings of St. Paul in 1 Corinthians 11:2-16. However, the context of this passage is the wearing of head-coverings (veils and hats) for men and women while in Church, and has nothing to do with hair. St. Paul simply uses the common length of hair as an example from nature, to illustrate his point. He’s not telling women they must have long hair and men must have short hair. But let’s play devil’s advocate and assume that St. Paul is talking about hair. What exactly is “long” by Biblical standards? Jesus had long, shoulder-length hair. Was this a sin? Sampson had extremely long hair, almost girlish in it’s length? Was this a sin? Obviously not. Sampson was commanded by God to have long hair, and Jesus is God in the flesh. So obviously, St. Paul isn’t mandating hairstyles in his letter to the Corinthians. Far be it from St. Paul (a Jewish rabbi by training and Christian apostle by calling) to tell Sampson he was wrong or Jesus to get a haircut!

So Catholics are free to wear their hair any way they want, while reasonably avoiding the sins of pride and vanity.


The Catholic Church is strict about three basic things: (1) doctrine, (2) morality and (3) public worship…

Doctrine is what we believe, meaning specifically what the Church teaches in the creeds and catechisms. Catholics are expected to believe everything the Church teaches, and we are not permitted to publicly dissent from established Catholic doctrine. We can speak out against corruption in the Church, and call out corrupt leaders, and errors in pastoral methods (verbal or written) but established doctrine is non-negotiable. Those Catholics who publicly and persistently dissent from Catholic doctrine, after being formally corrected, are committing the mortal sin of heresy, and are rightly called “heretics” who are not in good standing with the Catholic Church.

Morality has to do with the way we conduct our lives, both privately and publicly. In this sense, Catholic morality is not based on subjective (or private) interpretation. It must follow the doctrines of the Church as mentioned above. Moral relativism (what’s wrong for you may be right for me) is not a Catholic option. Catholic morality is static and consistent, which means it’s the same for everyone and it doesn’t change.

Public worship is how we worship God together in Church. This is called liturgy, and it comes to us from the Apostles and the ancient Jewish Temple. Liturgy is important because it publicly expresses the corporate (community) relationship the Church has with God. We are all one Body in Christ, and God made the New Covenant with the Church as a whole, not individuals. Liturgy shows our togetherness, as one Body, and prevents worship from being hijacked by individuals seeking attention. It makes Church into a corporate (community) act of worship, rather than an entertainment show, pep rally, or self-help seminar. Liturgy also helps convey doctrine, when it is done well, and becomes a form of catechesis (teaching) for those unstudied in Catholic doctrine.


The Catholic Church does have very specific rules that Catholics are expected to follow, but they’re not the typical rules one usually sees in Protestant America, particularly the Bible Belt. Things like drinking, smoking, dancing, wearing pants and makeup, or length of hair are not really areas of big concern for Catholics. What concerns Catholics more are things like doctrine, morality and public worship. Beyond that, freedom and moderation is pretty much the norm.

Shane Schaetzel is an author of Catholic books and an Evangelical convert to the Catholic Church through Anglicanism. His articles have been featured on LifeSiteNews, The Remnant Newspaper, Forward in Christ, and Catholic Online. You can read Shane’s books at ShaneSchaetzel.Com


  1. At a Parish I attended, the priest decided things were just too serious during Lent, and so he allowed the parishioners to have a dance on Passion Sunday. There was a very sad Mass, and then everyone went to the Parish Hall for a dance with the rock band named : ‘Kudoos’. But I presume that the dancing was not ‘dirty, lewd, or nasty.’

    A few weeks later there was a fire in the kitchen of the Parish Hall.Was this a co-incidence, or was God making a comment ?

    The church regularly raises funds by gambling. In Newfoundland, a Los Vegas game of chance called ‘Chase the Ace,’ is very popular.
    And then of course there is Parish Bingo…

    A cathedral on the island was not doing well, but was recently sold by the bishop, and it is being converted into a brewery.
    Why not ? As you say, drinking is perfectly fine for Catholics ! Even children can taste wine !
    Is the Catholic church strict ? No, not at all !


      1. Thank you for responding.
        I was hoping that a fellow Catholic would respond to this behaviour, and give their opinion.
        The priest who organized the dance, was late for every Mass.
        No one said anything . No one dared to question a priest.
        One day, six years ago, the priest disappeared. No explanation was given to the parishioners. It was felt, by his Excellency, that the laity did not deserve an explanation.
        Thank you again for commenting.
        I agree with your words, this was indeed ‘highly deplorable.’🌷


        1. Surely the time is coming now when Catholics are going to be shaken up. This secular culture of ours will not rest until the church is utterly destroyed. Despite ‘liberal’ parishes, church teaching stands in the way of today’s relativistic worldview. The time is coming soon when Catholics will have to stand up and be counted. In a way I am looking forward to that, we will then know that we are alive, though it will cost us.

          Liked by 2 people

        2. I so agree with you ! I am looking forward to the time when we will stand up and proclaim our Lord’s truth.
          Thanks for replying to me. This comforts me.
          May God bless you. 🤗

          Liked by 1 person

        3. I’ve been so aware lately that when we appear to be losing the fight, when things go against us, if we persevere and are faithful to God, when all seems lost is the time that God chooses to act, picking us up and inspiring us to achieve what seemed impossible, and with his help the impossible becomes possible.
          Below are some quotes that inspire me, especially Isaiah:
          Isaiah 58:6-10.
          “6 Is not this the sort of fast that pleases me: to break unjust fetters, to undo the thongs of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break all yokes?
          7 Is it not sharing your food with the hungry, and sheltering the homeless poor; if you see someone lacking clothes, to clothe him, and not to turn away from your own kin?
          8 Then your light will blaze out like the dawn and your wound be quickly healed over. Saving justice will go ahead of you and Yahweh’s glory come behind you.
          9 Then you will cry for help and Yahweh will answer; you will call and he will say, ‘I am here.’ If you do away with the yoke, the clenched fist and malicious words,
          10 if you deprive yourself for the hungry and satisfy the needs of the afflicted, your light will rise in the darkness, and your darkest hour will be like noon.”
          Luke 11:41
          “41 Instead, give alms from what you have and, look, everything will be clean for you.”
          “Luke 11:41 New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)
          41 So give for alms those things that are within; and see, everything will be clean for you.”
          Luke 6:38
          “38 Give, and there will be gifts for you: a full measure, pressed down, shaken together, and overflowing, will be poured into your lap; because the standard you use will be the standard used for you.’”
          Acts 20:35
          “35 By every means I have shown you that we must exert ourselves in this way to support the weak, remembering the words of the Lord Jesus, who himself said, “There is more happiness in giving than in receiving.” ‘

          Liked by 2 people

        4. Thank-you for your reply, and for the scripture verses.
          It is a great gift to encourage others.
          I agree that God will choose to act when things seem impossible.
          He asks us to trust him more and more.
          Already we see some people overcome by fear, Luke 21:26, but let us accept the courage that God longs to give us.
          We are wise to follow the guidance given in Isaiah. Let us continue to feed the hungry, especially those who are spiritually hungry.

          In the past six years, since the two priests were dismissed here, I have not received any comfort or encouragement from any Catholics here.

          And thus, your words are very helpful to me.
          May God continue to bless you and guide you. 🌷😊

          Liked by 1 person

        5. You are so right: “especially those who are spiritually hungry.”
          It is not easy to find like minded people. I have discovered a scripture group in the neighbouring parish some years ago and this has strengthened my faith considerably. We meet weekly and go over the readings for the week. It is so important that we do not travel alone, but that we are encouraged and inspired by others.
          Any time you’d like a chat post a comment somewhere on my blog.

          Liked by 1 person

        6. Thanks so much !
          Yes, for sure, it is so important that we not travel alone.
          Our Lord knows how we grow when we inspire and encourage each other.
          Your reply means a lot to me.
          God bless you. 🌷🤗


        7. Sally, there are whack jobs everywhere and it sounds like this priest fits the bill. Dance on Passion Sunday?
          No. As far as no explanation from the bishop on the priest’s departure this is typical bishop behavior. The laity are good for three things in the minds of some bishops; pray, pay and obey. Bishops are often not conformed to the heart of Christ the Good Shepherd.


  2. The Church dies NOT regard marijuana (cannabis) in the same category as tobacco or alcohol. Marijuana is a mind altering drug. It removes our reason, free will and drive. ANY use of marijuana is always a sin.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The exact same thing can be said of alcohol, and a whole assortment of prescription pharmaceuticals from anti-anxiety drugs to anti-depressants, which Catholics take all the time.

      Basically, the Church does not have competency to determine which drugs are therapeutic for various conditions and which drugs are not. That is the competency of medical doctors and other healthcare practitioners. The Church’s competency is in the area of the gospel alone, which pertains to faith and morals.

      There is nothing immoral about using marijuana for therapeutic reasons, provided it is done in moderation and within the confines of the law. Medical supervision is highly advised.

      Liked by 1 person

        1. Sort of like alchohol and tobacco, even caffeine?

          Casual drug use is so common in the human experience, that it’s hard to say just doing it is a sin. There are a lot of factors to consider. Such as, legality, undiagnosed psyche issues, and social interactions.

          People use drugs. Just about all people, all the time.

          The matter to consider is which drugs are “beneficial” to ones quality of life and which ones are not.

          Almost every person I know is a drug addict. The drug in question. Is caffeine. It’s a form of speed, and people take it all the time to help them get things done. Is this wrong? I don’t know. I suppose it can be abused. But for whatever reason, our government has decided to keep it legal. So people don’t often look at it like a drug. But it is.

          Alcohol is a common sedative. Lots of people drink it after a stressful day at work. I do. Is that wrong? Sometimes people abuse it. So that’s wrong. But it’s still legal, so people often don’t think of it as a drug. But it is.

          Marijuana is a natural drug. It doesn’t require any laboratory modification. It can be consumed almost exactly the way God made it (and he did make it). Some people take it to treat the symptoms of cancer and glaucoma and others chronic pain issues. Some people take it to relieve diagnosed anxiety disorders. Tell me, what’s worse, taking a natural plant for anxiety? Or a man-made pharmaceutical like Xanax? Some people use marijuana for casual social occasions. But then, others use alcohol. Both are sedatives. Both are mind-altering. I prefer the latter for my social meetups and parties. Beer is my drug of choice. My wife likes tequila and lime juice (margaritas). A good friend of the family prefers Coca Cola and rum. All of them sedatives and mind altering. Can any of these things be abused? Of course. Anything can be. Maybe we should address the deeper problem of why people abuse drugs in the first place, rather than dictating what kind of drug is a sin and what kind isn’t.
          The Catholic Church generally stays out of this argument.


        2. It’s a neutral statement neither for nor against. Some people prefer natural medication over artificial medication. Some people would rather be prescribed marijuana over Xanax for their anxiety disorders. I don’t have an anxiety disorder so I don’t know, but I can understand why people would prefer the natural route of treatment over the man-made artificial route.


  3. Thank you for this enlightening article. Even here in the Philippines, a Catholic-dominant country, similar questions are thrown against us. Well, for me, our task is not to create quarrel against them nor engage to a kind of online religious war. I think what we should do is to explain well what we, Catholics, believe, and I hope they are open in any explanations. Close-minded arguments will end up with nothing.

    Liked by 1 person

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