Find a Reverent Catholic Mass

Catholics in the United States now have a resource that is the envy of many other countries, but hopefully, other nations will follow suit with their own version of the same thing. It’s called REVERENT CATHOLIC MASS, and it’s an online directory that tells Catholics where they can find reverent Catholic liturgies throughout the United States. Are you looking for a reverent Catholic Mass? Look no further. Just CLICK HERE and you’ll find one anywhere in the United States.

The website lists the criteria of what qualifies as a reverent Catholic Mass, and encourages users to participate by suggesting additions and updates. The form of the mass is not specific. The website focuses on HOW a mass is celebrated (traditionally and reverently), not what form it is. So it could be an Ordinary Form (Novus Ordo or vernacular mass), or an Extraordinary Form (Vetus Ordo or Traditional Latin Mass), or an Ordinariate Form (Divine Worship or English Patrimony), or an Eastern Catholic liturgy. If it fits the stated criteria of a reverent Mass, then it can be listed on the website.

This gives Faithful Catholics in the United States a tremendous resource. No longer must one hunt for a reverent Mass to attend. They’re all listed for you, and mapped, at this website. Just pick the one nearest you and make plans to attend. It’s as simple as that.

For years now I’ve been advising Catholics to take matters into their own hands regarding their Catholic Faith. This includes…

  1. Reading the Baltimore Catechism,
  2. Only attending a Reverent Catholic Mass, and…
  3. Strategically redirecting our donations toward reverent liturgy, orthodox teaching, and good pastoral care free of sexual scandal.

The good folks at Reverent Catholic Mass just made item #2 a whole lot easier. So go over to their website and see if you can find a reverent Catholic Mass near you. If they’ve helped you locate one, why don’t you at least send them a one-time donation of $20 as a way of saying “thank you”? Speaking from experience, it’s a lot of work making and maintaining directories like this. Give them a little something to keep them going. You know they’re sacrificing a lot of time to do this.

Please share this valuable information with other Faithful Catholics who care about the quality of worship. The share icons are provided below.

Shane Schaetzel is an author of Catholic books and an Evangelical convert to the Catholic Church through Anglicanism. His articles have been featured on LifeSiteNews, The Remnant Newspaper, Forward in Christ, and Catholic Online. You can read Shane’s books at ShaneSchaetzel.Com